Tips for Collaborating Across Your Institution to Achieve Success with CLR with Johns Hopkins University — IMS Global Roundtable Series

Partner: John’s Hopkins University
Location: Baltimore, MD


Dr. Chadia Abras

Director of Institutional Assessment

Johns Hopkins University

Rita D'Aoust

Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning

Johns Hopkins University

Paul Huckett

Assistant Dean for Learning & Innovation

Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Janet Schreck

Associate Vice Provost for Education & Accreditation Liaison Officer

Johns Hopkins University


Our partner, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) recently shared their experiences and tips as part of the IMS Global Roundtable series.

Johns Hopkins University has worked to connect its Comprehensive Learner Record initiative to many of its other institutional initiatives, resulting in a greater buy-in across highly decentralized academic departments and colleges. As a result, the CLR has become the center point that drives many conversations on campus.

“The CLR is conceptually dependent upon robust and authentic learning assessment. For that reason, CLR efforts can only succeed if faculty are involved as key stakeholders and partners in the vision.”

Janet Schreck, Associate Vice Provost for Education, Johns Hopkins University

Listen in as the team shares their tips for engaging with the academic community and navigating higher education’s complex culture.

DOWNLOAD the Presentation
from the IMS Global Website

VIEW or LISTEN to the Recorded Session
on the IMS Global Website

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