Course Outcome Assessment: Comprehensive Guide

Assessments are now also enabled and conducted on the course and course section levels. This guide explores the Course Assessment functionality and how conducting assessment just got a lot easier.   

IMPORTANT: Courses, that are not part of a program, are automatically assessed if links are created between the course assignments and the course learning outcomes (CLOs).  

Applicable to: Institutional Admin, College Admin, Department Admin and Course Director  

Quick Video… How to Edit Assessment Cycle (Performance Goals and Rubric Levels) Note: This video does not contain audio 

How to Edit Assessment Cycle (Performance Goals and Rubric Levels) 

Step 1: Log into your AEFIS account 
Step 2: Select the three white horizontal lines in the top left-hand corner to open the AEFIS Main Menu
Step 3: Navigate to Courses>Courses 
Step 4: Use either the +Add Filter or the search bar to locate the desired course
Step 5: Select the Manage button in the corresponding row of the desired course 
Step 6: Revise the course, if not already. Select the blue Revise button in the top right-hand corner
Step 7: Select the Assessment Cycle tab in the panel on the left-hand side 
Step 8 (Conditional):* Edit the Course Assessment Performance Goal Settings – by using the slider and selecting the desired performance level. Select the blue Save button.


Step 9 (Conditional):* Edit the Rubric Level names and/or descriptions. Select the blue Save button.


Step 10: Once you have made the desired changes, select the blue Publish button in the top right-hand corner.    What do you do in the case of a course, which is assigned to a program? And you want to disable program assessments for the course?   
Step 13 (Optional): Select the Settings tab in the panel on the left-hand side
Step 14 (Optional): Scroll down to Assessments by Program Settings
Step 15 (Optional): Toggle the setting “Allow Assessment of this Course by an Associated Program” (grayed-out) 


Step 16 (Optional): Select the blue Save button   Do you want to absolutely make sure that program assessments are not conducted on the course section level? 
Step 17 (Optional): Select Sections and Syllabi tab in the panel on the left-hand side 
Step 18 (Optional): Select Manage to the corresponding course section 
Step 19 (Optional): Select the Settings tab in the panel on the left-hand side 
Step 20 (Optional): Scroll down to Assessments by Program Settings
Step 21 (Optional): Toggle the setting “Allow Assessment of this Course by an Associated Program” (grayed-out) 


Step 22 (Optional): Select the blue Save button   Now what? What do you need to do, in order to conduct the course assessment?    Step 23: If not already, populate the Course Outcomes or Course Section Outcomes 

  • Start from either the Course Home Page or the Course Section Home Page 
  • Revise the course or the course section
  • Select the Course Outcomes tab or the Section Outcomes tab in the panel on the left-hand side
  • Select the blue +ADD tab in the top right-hand corner 
  • Enter in the CLO or SCLO description
  • Select the blue Save button 

Step 24: Create Course Assignments or Course Section Assignments 

Step 25: Link the Assignments to CLOs

Step 26: Grade the Assignments on the course section level 

Step 27: As the course and course section are published, select the Assessment Forms tab in the panel on the left-hand side of the course or the course section page. This is where assessment results will populate; thus, results can be viewed, analyzed, and exported. 


Helpful Tips: 

  • Course should not be attached to a program. When the course is not attached to a program, AEFIS will automatically enable a course assessment for that course. 
  • There should be at least 1 CLO on the course level to link to the course assignment. 
  • By default, the setting to pull in a course or course section into program assessments will be turned on. Please see the AEFIS Academy User Guide if you would like to learn more about program assessments in AEFIS. 
  • *The rubric levels and rubric descriptions are inherited from the hierarchy – unless this setting is turned off otherwise. mceclip3.png
  • Since course assessments are automatically enabled (when not assigned to a program and relationships have been made between assignments and CLOs), the start date of the course assessment corresponds to the start date of the term; however, the end date of the course assessment is the day before the start of the next term. 
    • If you would like to see more information on Terms, please navigate to Admin Tool>Terms from the AEFIS Main Menu
    • mceclip6.png

If you have any more questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact the AEFIS Client Success Team.

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